The NICU Family Podcast

The NICU Family Podcast is dedicated to families that are going through the NICU experience. Through this podcast I hope you find support, community, and hope by connecting you to other families that have been in your shoes.


Amy, Adrian, and Baby Luke Part 2

Wednesday May 20, 2020

Wednesday May 20, 2020

We are back with the second part of our story. I apologize for the delay but its finally here! This week you can hear me along with my husband share the second part of baby Luke's story.This episode goes into depth of life in the NICU, receiving baby Luke's diagnosis, and navigating the first few weeks after the NICU. Baby Luke is our little fighter and has proven to be so strong.

Our Story of Baby Luke Part 1

Wednesday Mar 11, 2020

Wednesday Mar 11, 2020

This week we have a very special episode. This week you can hear me along with my husband share our story of baby Luke. My pregnancy with baby Luke was completely healthy with a completely healthy birth but just hours after he was born our lives changed forever. Luke was diagnosed with GBS which then turned into Meningitis. Throughout Lukes life he has struggled with infection, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and extreme brain damage. Baby Luke is our little fighter and has proven to be so strong. 

Teresa and Baby Ailey Rose

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020

Today our guest is Teresa and she will tell us the story of Ailey Rose. A beautiful story of a premie that was given a less than 1% chance of survival. Despite all of the possible complications Teresa refused to terminate her pregnancy and gave her daughter a chance at life. Baby Ailey Rose was born at 9.5oz and her parents didn't know if she would ever walk or talk but Ailey Rose proved to be a fighter and has defeated all odds!

Diana and Baby Jonah

Wednesday Feb 12, 2020

Wednesday Feb 12, 2020

Today our guest is Diana and she will be telling us the story of Jonah. Jonah was born at 34 weeks due to intrauterine growth restriction and arterial fistula. Diana learned about the journey her and her family would have to endure at 23 weeks pregnant. From then on her pregnancy was full of uncertainty and fear and she developed preeclampsia and needed to be induced. Nevertheless Jonah proved everyone wrong and is now growing and thriving without any medical interventions!

Christina and Baby Charlotte

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020

Today our guest is Christina and she will be telling us the story of Charlotte, a full term NICU baby that was a miracle from the start. She coded for 10 min and needed to be resuscitated. The first week of her life the doctors had given up on her and thought she would not make it, but Charlotte proved them all wrong. This episode is also very informational for babies with heart issues, seizures and Christina is a perfect example of how to advocate for you child.

Jeanette and Baby Amaris

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020

Today our guest is Jeanette and she will be telling us the story of Amaris. Amaris is a true miracle born at 27 weeks. Jeannette takes us through her pregnancy journey, birth, NICU stay, and the journey after NICU. With uterine growth restriction the doctor gave Amaris a low survival rate but Amaris defeated all the odds and is growing and thriving.


Saturday Dec 28, 2019

Saturday Dec 28, 2019

Welcome to The NICU Family Podcast. In this episode I share my vision by taking you through the process of why I decided to create this podcast, who it’s aimed for, and what I hope you gain from this. I hope you stick around through this journey and find community. You can join in on the conversation @theNICUfamily through instagram where I would be happy to answer any and all questions. 

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